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Affinity Group Caucus Day

Community and civic engagement in the CAN community (and in adjacent neighborhoods) has often yielded resident feedback about imbalances between the rationale for investments and the ultimate beneficiaries of those resources.

On Affinity Group Caucus Day, project staff, City officials, and developers will have a chance to participate in rotating feedback sessions led by residents. There will be 4-5 virtual affinity group sessions, each 90 minutes in length, throughout the day. Each session will take place in two parts: 1) closed affinity space facilitated by cultural specialists, and 2) affinity group pop-ins by City officials. A culminating event a few weeks after Caucus Day will create a space for a collective discussion about overarching themes and follow-up actions discovered during the sessions.

Project staff, City officials, and developers will keep a journal of thoughts and reflections throughout the day. These journals entries will be sorted into actionable follow-up or planning interventions and those details will be shared back to the caucus participants for transparency and for use in further community conversations about racial equity and social justice.

This event is one in a series of engagement activations designed get to the heart of a dignity-infused, resident-centered experience. The core desired outcomes among all the activations are to activate people to self-determine how they’d like to grow their environments/communities and to spark new ideas and action-oriented civic engagement and ways of being.

Sign-up information coming soon!

October 14

Resident Advisory Committee (RAC) Meeting

October 27

People Committee Meeting