Calendar of Events
The Fresno CAN calendar of events will show information for upcoming resident meetings, outreach events, community meetings, community activations, community based-planning events, and more!

CAN Street Mural
Join the community in painting the CAN Street Mural!
Meet us @ the Triangle as we paint 93706 on Klette Avenue.
This will be an all-day event filled with performances, local artists, and street vendors.
Sign up here to paint!

93706 Market
Join us on April 8th for Kids Day @ The Market AND an Eggtastic Spring.
We will have fresh produce, games, and giveaways for the kids.
We have shifted the market time from 10 am - 1 pm.
See you there!

93706 Market : CANCELLED
Due to the weather, we will cancel the market and resume in April.
Thank you.

The 93706 Market - Black History Month Celebration
Join us Saturday, February 11th @ The 93706 Market!
Meet Us At The California Avenue Triangle ( Kern & Klette St.)

93706 Market - Cancelled
Meet Us At The California Avenue Triangle & Klette St.
Join us Saturday, January 14th!
Produce, Crafts, Food, Music & More!

93706 Market
The 93706 Market presents the Best Bites Cooking Contest & The Sweet Potato Festival! Come out and join us for the good food and fun!

Safety & Neighborhood Crime Workshop
We want to hear from you!
Saint Agnes recently conducted a community health
needs assessment to identify significant health needs in
the community. Safety &neighborhood crime was
identified as a need in Fresno. We needyou to share your
thoughts for solving this need – including what programs,
policies and community changes may workto improve
this issue over the next three years. Your input will help
Saint Agnes and community partners, design investment
plans to address this issue
For more information, call Tiffany 559-422-7179 or email
at WestFresnoCAN@fresnohousing.org
West Fresno CAN Weekly Virtual Office Hours
Join the virtual chats on “Health & Safety”
We would like to hear from you!
Join here for the discussion - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84142137952?pwd=MXNMNndRRlhSaGdMeldaN3RwRFY5dz09

93706 Market
Meet Us At The California Avenue Triangle & Klette St.
Join us Saturday, October 8th!
Produce, Crafts, Food, Music & More!

West Fresno CAN Weekly Virtual Office Hours
Join the virtual chats on “Enhancing The Neighborhood”
We would like to hear from you!
Join here for the discussion - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84142137952?pwd=MXNMNndRRlhSaGdMeldaN3RwRFY5dz09

West Fresno CAN - Open House @ The Triangle
Open house will take place in person to share the transformation plan and more ideas for the California Avenue Neighborhood. Join us for a very special event.

West Fresno CAN Weekly Virtual Office Hours
CAN presents Virtual Office Hours 5-6pm for questions, comments, discussion and feedback on the Transformation Plan. Every Wednesday will be a different topic session to have a focused discussion on our plans.
We would like to hear from you!
Join here for the discussion - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84142137952?pwd=MXNMNndRRlhSaGdMeldaN3RwRFY5dz09

CAN Southwest Fresno Community Workshop
The team will host a workshop with the CAN community to share the neighborhood transformation plan outline. Join the webinar here - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83578701751?pwd=SmZrRGdBTGV3WEZzbWZnZXc4T2hjZz09

CAN Resident Convening - Transformation Plan Outline
The CAN team will facilitate a workshop with residents on the Transformation Plan. This initial conversation will be virtual, followed by an in-person open house in a few weeks. Join us here - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85932868593?pwd=QmNtUWQzc0NyZFZJN1pQL0lnUFZsQT09

93706 Market
Join us for a soft launch of our monthly farmer’s market in Southwest Fresno. The place to be every 2nd Saturday. Partners, produce, food, and fun!

Public Safety Action Planning Convening (Day 2)
Public safety is a complicated issue that is exacerbated by the constraints and disparities resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. While the CAN project team is interested in understanding the public safety needs and priorities of the community, it is important that these public safety discussions come from an informed, innovative, and socially-just point of juncture.
This activation is the third in the Public Safety series of activations. The action plan will be created in partnership with community members and public safety advocates and will inform aspects of the current and future plans to develop, renew, or invest i n the CAN community. Participants will convene to begin developing a CAN-specific action plan for public/community safety that centers racial equity and social justice. The decisions and strategies developed at this convening will be posted to the CAN website.
This event is one in a series of engagement activations designed get to the heart of a dignity-infused, resident-centered experience. The core desired outcomes among all the activations are to activate people to self-determine how they’d like to grow their environments/communities and to spark new ideas and action-oriented civic engagement and ways of being.
Join the zoom meeting HERE
Public Safety Action Planning Convening (Day 1)
Public safety is a complicated issue that is exacerbated by the constraints and disparities resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. While the CAN project team is interested in understanding the public safety needs and priorities of the community, it is important that these public safety discussions come from an informed, innovative, and socially-just point of juncture.
This activation is the third in the Public Safety series of activations. The action plan will be created in partnership with community members and public safety advocates and will inform aspects of the current and future plans to develop, renew, or invest i n the CAN community. Participants will convene to begin developing a CAN-specific action plan for public/community safety that centers racial equity and social justice. The decisions and strategies developed at this convening will be posted to the CAN website.
This event is one in a series of engagement activations designed get to the heart of a dignity-infused, resident-centered experience. The core desired outcomes among all the activations are to activate people to self-determine how they’d like to grow their environments/communities and to spark new ideas and action-oriented civic engagement and ways of being.
Join the zoom meeting HERE
FUSD Mass Assembly Day
Youth engagement partners alongside Dignity Team members will conduct a multi-site assembly program to inform Southwest Fresno youth about the changes coming to the community. These assemblies/classes will include a combination of education, dialogue, and input gathering. Ahead of this event, CAN team members will coordinate with classes/schools to provide information and recommended discussion points for preliminary engagement through regularly scheduled instruction.
Interfaith Focus Group Day
The interfaith community has a strong, yet unique range of influence in the CAN community. This set of focus groups will be structured in alignment with affinity to faith traditions. This day of focus groups will be structured as interfaith affinity groups and will examine 1) how residents perceive current l and use and housing dynamics, 2) resident notions of a dignified quality of life, and 3) the necessary interventions that would keep current residents living sustainably i n the project area. Residents will also have an opportunity to share their oral histories regarding the legacy of the CAN community.
Affinity Group Focus Group Day
Focus groups are commonly used to conduct stakeholder analyses during community planning processes. This day of focus groups will be structured as affinity groups and will examine 1) how residents perceive current land use and housing dynamics, 2) resident notions of a dignified quality of life, and 3) the necessary interventions that would keep current residents living sustainably in the project area. Residents will also have an opportunity to share their oral histories regarding the legacy of the CAN community.
Community Design Lab for Formerly Incarcerated Residents
The CAN project team will partner with service providers and decarceration advocates to facilitate a hybrid (virtual/in-person) design lab that centers formerly incarcerated or institutionalized residents of the CAN community. Participants will learn about and build upon community planning interventions that are preventative and restorative. Practitioners and City officials will learn ways they can establish programs and policies that support the long term housing stability of those who’ve been institutionalized or are at risk of institutionalization and their families.

Resident Advisory Committee (RAC) Meeting
Resident Advisory Committee (RAC) meetings will be held the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Email WestFresnoCAN@fresnohousing.org to get Zoom login information for the virtual meeting!
Aging in Place Community Townhall
The CAN project team will partner with regional advocates for aging adults to facilitate a community town hall addressing the unique needs of older adults before, during, and after community development projects. A primary goal of this activity will be to empower older adults to continue living in the CAN community with the support and advocacy of other residents for adequate living conditions and resources.

Resident Advisory Committee (RAC) Meeting
Resident Advisory Committee (RAC) meetings will be held the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Email WestFresnoCAN@fresnohousing.org to get Zoom login information for the virtual meeting!

Community Vision Wonderland
Anchored to Fresno community’s Santa’s Village event at Gatson Middle School, the Community Vision Wonderland will provide residents a large-scale hands-on opportunity to interact with renderings, building materials, landscape features, and virtual concepts related to the CAN project. Project staff will be on-hand to explain the details and implications of the displays while receiving feedback and assessing the feasibility of resident choices.