Calendar of Events
The Fresno CAN calendar of events will show information for upcoming resident meetings, outreach events, community meetings, community activations, community based-planning events, and more!
Public Safety Action Planning Convening (Day 2)
Public safety is a complicated issue that is exacerbated by the constraints and disparities resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. While the CAN project team is interested in understanding the public safety needs and priorities of the community, it is important that these public safety discussions come from an informed, innovative, and socially-just point of juncture.
This activation is the third in the Public Safety series of activations. The action plan will be created in partnership with community members and public safety advocates and will inform aspects of the current and future plans to develop, renew, or invest i n the CAN community. Participants will convene to begin developing a CAN-specific action plan for public/community safety that centers racial equity and social justice. The decisions and strategies developed at this convening will be posted to the CAN website.
This event is one in a series of engagement activations designed get to the heart of a dignity-infused, resident-centered experience. The core desired outcomes among all the activations are to activate people to self-determine how they’d like to grow their environments/communities and to spark new ideas and action-oriented civic engagement and ways of being.
Join the zoom meeting HERE
Public Safety Action Planning Convening (Day 1)
Public safety is a complicated issue that is exacerbated by the constraints and disparities resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. While the CAN project team is interested in understanding the public safety needs and priorities of the community, it is important that these public safety discussions come from an informed, innovative, and socially-just point of juncture.
This activation is the third in the Public Safety series of activations. The action plan will be created in partnership with community members and public safety advocates and will inform aspects of the current and future plans to develop, renew, or invest i n the CAN community. Participants will convene to begin developing a CAN-specific action plan for public/community safety that centers racial equity and social justice. The decisions and strategies developed at this convening will be posted to the CAN website.
This event is one in a series of engagement activations designed get to the heart of a dignity-infused, resident-centered experience. The core desired outcomes among all the activations are to activate people to self-determine how they’d like to grow their environments/communities and to spark new ideas and action-oriented civic engagement and ways of being.
Join the zoom meeting HERE
Affinity Group Focus Group Day
Focus groups are commonly used to conduct stakeholder analyses during community planning processes. This day of focus groups will be structured as affinity groups and will examine 1) how residents perceive current land use and housing dynamics, 2) resident notions of a dignified quality of life, and 3) the necessary interventions that would keep current residents living sustainably in the project area. Residents will also have an opportunity to share their oral histories regarding the legacy of the CAN community.
Community Design Lab for Formerly Incarcerated Residents
The CAN project team will partner with service providers and decarceration advocates to facilitate a hybrid (virtual/in-person) design lab that centers formerly incarcerated or institutionalized residents of the CAN community. Participants will learn about and build upon community planning interventions that are preventative and restorative. Practitioners and City officials will learn ways they can establish programs and policies that support the long term housing stability of those who’ve been institutionalized or are at risk of institutionalization and their families.
The Spirit of West Fresno Exhibit: Community Stories and Memories with Spoken Word and Live Music
In partnership with local cultural arts partners, Thrivance Group will host a storytelling and spoken word night that thematically allows participants and attendees to creatively express their vision for the CAN community and broader Fresno. The event space will also include The Spirit of West Fresno: Community Stories and Memories Exhibit. This event will be in partnership with Fresno Arts Council’s Art Hop which happens the first and third Thursday of every month!
West Fresno Black/Brown Solidarity and Strategy Caucus
During this Affinity Group space, project staff, City officials, and community based organization (CBO) representatives will have a chance to participate in rotating feedback sessions led by residents. The focus of this caucus will be West Fresno Black/Brown Solidarity and Strategy development.
The main questions we will be discussing include: 1) What are the unique challenges facing Black residents, 2) What are the unique challenges facing Brown residents, and 3) What would it take to unify our efforts to improve quality of life for Black and Brown residents in solidarity?
Register at today!
And take a few minutes to share your thoughts on the discussion questions at now.